9 Dec 2015

Immacolata Concezione

Ciao belle persone!

Yesterday was December 8th, also known as the day of the Immaculate Conception. In many countries (such as mine, and especially in Italy) it's considered a national holiday, many people nowadays don't even know what it stands for, at least here in Portugal, they just take it as a day where they don't have to go to school/work and don't look further into it, but this year I decided to do it!

This holiday was first solemnized as a Holy Day of Obligation on 6 December 1708 under the Papal Bull Commissi Nobis Divinitus by Pope Clement XI. It is considered a day to be spent with family, eating ethnic foods, watching fireworks and parades, all in honor of the Virgin Mary.

Personally I'm not religious but I do know of people, especially elders that at least go to church on this day where the priest or other religious entity gives a special mass regarding this day.

Exacly nine months after, on September 8th it is celebrated the Nativity of Mary that it's the supposed birthday of the holy Virgin. Of course no one knows for sure when she was born this being just a speculation.

Whether you are a religious person or not the fact is that this is a public holiday in many, many countries (most of all predominantly Catholic) and now you know the reason you get to stay at home!

This will be all for now, see you tomorrow!


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