20 Oct 2015

Learning Through Music - Italian


As promissed today I bring to you the songs I personally use when learning Italian. Some of these songs belong to my childhood and I've known them by heart since I remember, others I found them when I first started learning Italian, as always this is my personal taste.

Italian works a little different from the japanese songs I showed you. Since it's a language that is really close to my native one, even closer than to English, I sometimes only look for the original lyrics (or "testo" as you say it in italian) and try to guess some of the meanings, decoding it.

This is the example of a song with both English and Italian lyrics. It's a very old song that I grew up with, so I know it well, and it has a decent amount of vocabulary, and the slow rythm allows you to follow it, word by word.

I think this is also an old song, this one doesn't have the translations, but the slow pace allows you once more to accompany it with ease.

This are three artist that I really like and that you should definitly check out! They are all fairly recent and still releasing musics today, of course you can research many more in bletween the genres you like the most.

This is all for today, see you next time!


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