6 Apr 2016

I Shall Live Forever (A kind of poem)

“You can censor my mind, but I will still fight, I will still dream, I will still be me. You can take away my eyes, but not my vision nor the memories of what I’ve seen. You can take away my hands, but not my ability to feel. You can take away my feet, but not my ability to travel far. You can take away my heart, but you will never make me belong to someone else, I am my own person. You can take away all my blood, but you will never take away my warmth. You can take away my life, but I will still live on the memory of those I met, loved, hated, helped, hurt. They shall carry on, each with a piece of me and together, I shall live forever.”

- Nana Beluzzi


So yeah just found this really old text that I wrote and thought I would share it with you, I'm really amazed by the english I used here, I made a lot of mistakes back then (not much as changed then) but this isn't half bad at all, despite the very cheesy content!

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